Saturday, January 30, 2010

Malignant Liver Cancer Tree With Cinnamon

Cinnamon which is known as a food flavoring and fragrances, food, actually contain active compounds that can counteract the malignant liver cancer, lowering fat and cholesterol, as well as helping people with diabetes mellitus. How to use?

Since the 16th century, cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii) has been used as a spice in cooking. In the world there are 54 species of cinnamon (Cinnamomum spp), including 12 species found in Indonesia. The species of cinnamon which has been developed in Indonesia is Cinnamomum burmannii BL, better known as Cassia vera.

Cinnamon included in the family Lauraceae. These spices thought to have come from Sri Lanka and South India, even flourish in Java, Sumatra, West India, Brazil, Vietnam, Madagascar, and Egypt. Internationally, cinnamon known as the cinnamon, which comes from the Greek kinnamon. Cinnamon is also known by the name of sweet wood.

Not just any leather
Cinnamon has a shape like a small diameter rod and there is a long or short size. Exterior color and the sweet wood is light brown. Chemical properties of cinnamon is spicy, slightly sweet, warm, and fragrant. The main results of the cinnamon plant is the bark and branches, while the follow-up in the form of twigs and leaves are processed into essential oils.

Cinnamon skin and their processed products are widely used in the food industry, beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and cigarettes. The use of cinnamon bark can be done in the original form (powder), essential oils, or oleoresin.

Cinnamon essential oil obtained from kulitt, twigs, and leaves, by distillation. Content of essential oil in cinnamon bark 1,3-2,7 percent. Meanwhile, the oleoresin obtained by extraction using certain organic solvents.

Lowering cholesterol and fat
Research Fauzan Azima (2004), student of Doctoral Program in Food Science Study Program IPB shows, extracts of cinnamon bark effective to inhibit the formation of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL = bad ") cholesterol in the blood.

Research done by assigning a cinnamon extract as much as 100-200 milligrams per kilogram of body weight guinea pigs for 12 weeks. At the end of the experiment in total cholesterol kelici down from 443.3 to 139.1 mg / dl, LDL levels fell from 268.5 to 95.8 mg / dl, and triglycerides fell 122.2 to 61.2 dad mgAl.

Due to bad LDL cholesterol because cholesterol rnengangkut role of tissue into the plasma through a process enclositosis. This process causes high cholesterol in the blood, which can cause blockages in blood vessels.

Provision of cinnamon extract may also reduce fatty liver rabbits. The same treatment also lowers levels of homocysteine, a compound which promotes atherosclerosis (blockage of blood vessels). Homocysteine levels decreased from 25 mikromol per liter to 9.9 liter per mikromol serum.

Conversely, the good cholesterol or High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) rose from 32.4 to 50.0 mg / dl. HDL cholesterol is a function cleanser removes cholesterol from the plasma membrane of cells die or are destroyed. Healthy people have a ratio of LDL to HDL worth 3.5.

Research also shows that rabbits given a cinnamon extract atherosclerosis risk 4.2 times lower than the rabbits that was not given the extract. Extracts of cinnamon also has potential as a antihiperkolesterolemia (lowering cholesterol) and prevent fat deposits in the liver.

Concluded, cinnamon extract contains a potent phytochemical antioxidants, antagregasi platelets, antihiperkolesterolemia, and able to prevent fatty liver and the formation of aortic lesions in guinea pigs.

According to Azima (2004), cinnamon bark is composed of sinamaldehide compounds, derivatives of phenol compounds. In the world of medicine, a compound known to have properties sinamaldehid platelet antiagregasi (cholesterol attached to the blood vessels). Aggregation (collection) platelets leads to atherosclerosis.


  1. Here is a link to more information about the genetics of Liver Cancer that was prepared by our genetic counselor and which has links to some useful resource for those dealing with this condition: There is also a number listed for anyone who wants to speak to a genetic counselor by phone. I hope it helps. Thanks, AccessDNA

  2. Thanks for the information. Cinnamon helps as liver cancer treatment. Liver cancer is mostly common in males than females. It is quiet hereditary. Smoking is one of the major cause of liver cancer. Drinking alcohol is also a major cause of developing liver cancer. People with diabetes have highest risk of developing liver cancer. This is a very serious disease and there are many signs and symptoms and if properly detected can be treated as there are very low survival rates. For more information refer liver cancer causes
