Saturday, January 30, 2010

Malignant Liver Cancer Tree With Cinnamon

Cinnamon which is known as a food flavoring and fragrances, food, actually contain active compounds that can counteract the malignant liver cancer, lowering fat and cholesterol, as well as helping people with diabetes mellitus. How to use?

Since the 16th century, cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii) has been used as a spice in cooking. In the world there are 54 species of cinnamon (Cinnamomum spp), including 12 species found in Indonesia. The species of cinnamon which has been developed in Indonesia is Cinnamomum burmannii BL, better known as Cassia vera.

Cinnamon included in the family Lauraceae. These spices thought to have come from Sri Lanka and South India, even flourish in Java, Sumatra, West India, Brazil, Vietnam, Madagascar, and Egypt. Internationally, cinnamon known as the cinnamon, which comes from the Greek kinnamon. Cinnamon is also known by the name of sweet wood.

Not just any leather
Cinnamon has a shape like a small diameter rod and there is a long or short size. Exterior color and the sweet wood is light brown. Chemical properties of cinnamon is spicy, slightly sweet, warm, and fragrant. The main results of the cinnamon plant is the bark and branches, while the follow-up in the form of twigs and leaves are processed into essential oils.

Cinnamon skin and their processed products are widely used in the food industry, beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, and cigarettes. The use of cinnamon bark can be done in the original form (powder), essential oils, or oleoresin.

Cinnamon essential oil obtained from kulitt, twigs, and leaves, by distillation. Content of essential oil in cinnamon bark 1,3-2,7 percent. Meanwhile, the oleoresin obtained by extraction using certain organic solvents.

Lowering cholesterol and fat
Research Fauzan Azima (2004), student of Doctoral Program in Food Science Study Program IPB shows, extracts of cinnamon bark effective to inhibit the formation of Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL = bad ") cholesterol in the blood.

Research done by assigning a cinnamon extract as much as 100-200 milligrams per kilogram of body weight guinea pigs for 12 weeks. At the end of the experiment in total cholesterol kelici down from 443.3 to 139.1 mg / dl, LDL levels fell from 268.5 to 95.8 mg / dl, and triglycerides fell 122.2 to 61.2 dad mgAl.

Due to bad LDL cholesterol because cholesterol rnengangkut role of tissue into the plasma through a process enclositosis. This process causes high cholesterol in the blood, which can cause blockages in blood vessels.

Provision of cinnamon extract may also reduce fatty liver rabbits. The same treatment also lowers levels of homocysteine, a compound which promotes atherosclerosis (blockage of blood vessels). Homocysteine levels decreased from 25 mikromol per liter to 9.9 liter per mikromol serum.

Conversely, the good cholesterol or High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) rose from 32.4 to 50.0 mg / dl. HDL cholesterol is a function cleanser removes cholesterol from the plasma membrane of cells die or are destroyed. Healthy people have a ratio of LDL to HDL worth 3.5.

Research also shows that rabbits given a cinnamon extract atherosclerosis risk 4.2 times lower than the rabbits that was not given the extract. Extracts of cinnamon also has potential as a antihiperkolesterolemia (lowering cholesterol) and prevent fat deposits in the liver.

Concluded, cinnamon extract contains a potent phytochemical antioxidants, antagregasi platelets, antihiperkolesterolemia, and able to prevent fatty liver and the formation of aortic lesions in guinea pigs.

According to Azima (2004), cinnamon bark is composed of sinamaldehide compounds, derivatives of phenol compounds. In the world of medicine, a compound known to have properties sinamaldehid platelet antiagregasi (cholesterol attached to the blood vessels). Aggregation (collection) platelets leads to atherosclerosis.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Food toxins can cause Liver Cancer

Toxins produced by fungi in grains can lead to liver cancer if consumed in large quantities, said a researcher at the University of California, Irvine (UCI).

"Surprising how much of this fungus can affect public health," said Sheryl Tsai, assistant professor of pharmaceutical science and biochemistry, as cited by a study published in the journal "Nature", Thursday.

It is the first time scientists have discovered what triggers the formation of toxins, which can lead to methods of production restrictions.

According to some reports, as many as 4.5 billion people in developing countries are exposed to so much poison, called "aflatoxin", which is often hundreds of times higher than the safe threshold.

In some countries, a combination of "aflatoxin" and exposure to hepatitis B virus increase the likelihood of liver cancer and 60 times, and the cause of cancer-related toxicity was 10 per cent of all deaths in these countries.

Tsai, Strata 1 student and student Tyler Korman, Kamari Bidkorpeh Oliver, along with researchers from Johns Hopkins University, found that a protein called PT is important for "aflatoxin" to form the mold.

Tsai said that PT is a key protein to form a toxin. With that knowledge, scientists can root out PT with the drug, and prevents fungal ability to make "aflatoxin"

"Aflatoxin" can colonize and contaminate peanuts and grains before harvest or during storage. U.S. Food & Drug Administration consider food contaminants that can not be avoided but which set maximum limits allowed.

How to traditional pollution is destroying fungi than just PT, but it was expensive and cost hundreds of millions of dollars around the world.

The researchers say that temua will lead to increased understanding of how "aflatoxin" cause liver cancer in humans.

The findings also provide insight into the mechanisms of production "carcinogen" and that looks small, but real human beings can weaken a target for a new generation of inhibitors

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cancer Can Be Prevented With Early Hepatitis Treatment

Chronic hepatitis C therapy early on can prevent the development of hardening toward the liver (cirrhosis) and liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma).

"Infection with hepatitis C can be treated and most curable. Results for 10-year study showed early treatment may prevent cirrhosis and reduce the risk of liver cancer and death. Cost of maintenance can also be suppressed," said Chief Researcher Heart Association Indonesia (PPHI) Dr. Superior Budihusodo, SpPD, KGEH.

According to him, therapy for hepatitis C is primarily intended to eliminate the virus, stop the progression of the disease and eliminate the symptoms of the disease include marked with distended bellies, swollen feet and yellow body.

Gold standard therapy for hepatitis C today, he says, is treatment with a combination of pegylated interferon alfa and ribavirin therapy with long depending on the HCV genotype.

"The success of therapy is influenced by the genotype of the virus, the amount of virus, patient age, disease condition, when starting therapy and patient compliance during therapy," he said.

Furthermore, he explains, chronic inflammation of the liver infection hepatitis C virus (HCV) did not show early symptoms that could be identified that approximately 90% of people who have hepatitis C do not realize he was infected.

"Around 80-90% of cases showed symptoms and signs are minimal. New symptoms appear when complications have occurred at an advanced stage, when it's bad," he said.

The development of liver disease from HCV infection until the beginning of liver cancer, according to him, too long of between 20 years to 30 years.

Therefore, he continued, should be scanning at high-risk groups are infected with hepatitis C to find the earliest possible cases of hepatitis C infection and handle it immediately.

Government together with stakeholders to ensure the disease surveillance system effective for improving the case finding that infections spread by contact with blood or infected body fluids such as blood transfusion, unsafe sex, tattoos, body piercing and injection with the needle.

The diagnosis of hepatitis C infection, according to Superior, is based on the results of hepatitis C virus in the blood by scanning anti-HCV and HCV RNA quantitative

Monday, January 18, 2010

Drinking Coffee Press Liver Cancer

The heart of the CANCER more rarely seems found in the compared drinkers of the coffee with the people who do not drink the coffee. This report was published in the application of August the newspaper makes Hepatology, that exhibits the results from 10 studies in the relation between the coffee and the cancer of liver.

The studies were reviewed by the investigators including Francisca Bravi of the Istituto Ricerche Farmacologiche in Milan, Italy. The study covers the 2260 whole people with the cancer with liver and to 240,000 people without cancer with liver.

The participants live in Greece, Italy, and Japan. The participants disclosed on their habits of the coffee. The data demonstrate that the drinkers of the coffee seem diagnosed the 41 percent with the liver cancer less that the people who do not drink the coffee. For each cup of coffee one drinks, the number diagnosed with the liver cancer can fall to the 23 percent.

Some studies define consumption as much as 3 cups of coffee or more per day. The other fixed to one more a lower tariff, not more than 1 cup of the coffee per day. In fact, the liver cancer is less common in drinkers of the coffee in all the countries (Greece, Italy, Japan). The investigators say that these results are not accidental or a local phenomenon.

They speculate that the coffee improves enzymes of the liver and cut to cirrhosis and the liver cancer. Thus, if the consumption coffee or not to prevent the cancer with liver, additional investigation still is continued

Friday, January 15, 2010

Preventing Liver Cancer

Cancer liver cancer is found frequent in Indonesia. This cancer connected with infection or hepatitis C. the hepatitis B. this is called that generally, had liver cancer patient infection of the hepatitis B or C. hepatitis B and hepatitis C frequently of the people of Indonesia is experienced. Both diseases are transferred by body fluids. Virus and hepatitis C of the hepatitis B can be transferred by sexual contact, needles and blood transfusions.

Generally today in our country safe blood transfusion was, blood segregated for hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV. Thus the possibility of the transmission of hepatitis and HIV became small by blood transfusions. Symptoms of hepatitis, the virus normally begins with fever, muscular pains, nausea, yellow eyes and reddish urine such as water tea. However not all people experience such symptoms. Symptoms of hepatitis C is normally much bright as hepatitis A or B. once attacked by hepatitis A, which patients recover normally completely, none, becomes chronic. Hepatitis B is also most recovers well and only approximately 5-10 per cent, which become chronic. If the hepatitis B then become chronic, the majority of the chronic patients of the hepatitis is B life ore erring trousers and liver cancer. With patients of the hepatitis C, which becomes as much more chronic. Some patients with chronic hepatitis C are zirrhose of the liver and the liver cancer. Only a small portion people with hepatitis B develop liver cancer.

Similarly in hepatitis C patients are only part of liver cancer. It normally lasts 17 to 20 years, which suffered from a hepatitis C, in order to develop to the life ore erring trousers or to liver cancer. Now there is a new drug for the hepatitis B, which is called lamivudin. These drugs are once daily eaten in form of a tablet. During treatment for hepatitis C drug interferon (injections) and Ribavirin (cap) are if necessary. But use of such drugs requires medical monitoring. The results of the blood tests, which showed anti- HBs positive means, which have, you virus infection of the hepatitis B, but the virus were not no more in its blood (HBsAg negative). It shows even that you have now immunity against hepatitis B (anti- HBs positive). Therefore during the anti- HBs of antibody the levels you are high, then you do not need to be inoculated. Immunisierung of the hepatitis B can begin in the childhood. Anti- HCV negative meant that you are never with hepatitis C. been no vaccine for hepatitis C there up to now were stuck on, thus it lively, to take care with it stuck on not with hepatitis C. avoidance it so contact with body fluids of others. An effective kind of reducing the frequency from liver cancer to is Immunisierung of the hepatitis B, which was proven this in many countries. The countries, which have, Immunisierungprogramm of the hepatitis B a good frequency is apparent reduced of liver cancer with the material. Hope-fully we interest us also in Immunisierung of the society hepatitis B.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Men are affected more often liver cancer

The shown body of basic differences of the men and the women against the cancer risk of liver, and the lies of cause in the genetic material based on the kind, concluded a study undertaken with the experts as regards chnology (MIT), the United States (the United States). C' is the first study describing the genome of the bond between the kind and the bodies not-cancer and reproducers, indicated Arlin Rogers, pathologists and President d' research team of MIT. According to the research published in the " of scientific newspaper; Research" cancer; ; that, cancer of potentially male liver twice larger than of the women in the United States. In d' other countries, particularly l' Asia, this figure potential could be higher, IE 8 to 10 times larger.

The cancer of liver is the most common type of cancer in the world' ; S number 5, and causes of the death lined up 3rd the larger. The number of cancer of lower liver in the United States in d' other countries, but exposures of tendency qu' a dramatic increase in l' infection of l' hepatitis C by the blood transfusion continue to go up since the Seventies, and certainly l' drug misuse. Another factor which starts rates of cancer of liver is the problem of l' obesity and of the diabetes, which continues to be the government' ; attention of S. Rogers explained why the hearts of the men and the women have a rather apparent difference.

The difference was very obvious during the period of puberty, IE when the liver is more d' men exposed to l' growth hormone. This causes men of liver then and the women react differently to antibiotics and similar drugs. In its research, the scientists of MIT studied the mice which also had more raised tendency of cancer of liver in the male kind than the women. Mice were then injected with l' bacterial hepatitis - l' hepatitis which produces symptoms similar to the character of l' hepatitis B and C at l' man. Both at l' man and mouse, men and women who can show a healthy reaction to acute toxicity and d' other pressures. But l' male body of liver n' was not complete like woman' ; the heart of S to treat l' chronic ignition this results from certain substances d' infection. When male rats against l' chronic hepatitis, some male genes in the increased liver work, another activity of gene is stopped. At the same time, some reactivated female genes. Because of this, the researchers noted that the gene profile and then became not very clear, the " of limit; confusion-heart" of kind;. " ; It n' there no reason or model has. Was just confused between genes only of masculine with female genes, " ; Rogers known as. According to always the results of the expert studies, the gene by the sex was reacted differently to l' infection d' ignition.

Male genes once confronted with l' chronic hepatitis in the reaction of overloaded part, whereas d' others miss load, thus in the liver cannot maintain the function metabolic normal during cancer appears. While waiting, the adult women is potential relatively lower for the cancer of liver, because the genes in the liver n' did not feel the need for shifting with male genes to treat cancer, according to Rogers. The d' evaluations; WHO there are more than 180 million people in the whole world were reached of l' hepatitis C, and more than 400 million people live with l' hepatitis B. Even some experts as regards health say the virus d' hepatitis 100 times more easily transmitted than HIV.

More fears these diseases is the potential development of this disease in the cancer or the cirrhosis of liver which can finish in l' failure and the death of liver. So traced based on the number of patient mortality, cirrhosis occupies the seventh position like chronic disease mortal. Consequently, this vigilance of the disease will be important, since the transmission n' is not sometimes realized by the patient.

D' elsewhere, the diffusion of the viral factors in Indonesia develops very fast, one of which is influenced by l' public ignorance of the presence or l' absence of the diidap d' viral hepatitis it. In fact, 25 percent of victims which do not know this suffer potentially from the cirrhosis after 15-20 years of period when the virus placed in their bodies. According to the President of l' excellence indonésienne Budihusodo of research d' association of heart, some models of diffusion d' viral hepatitis occurred among them by the perforation d' switches, l' opiate equipment, risked reports/ratios, tattooings, and blood transfusions. " ; In l' year 2000 is the transmission mentioned by the mengontribusi of putaw d' injection 80 percent of the development of l' infection d' hepatitis, even the model very quickly, " ; superior known as. Weekly mention d' WHO 2000 of bulletin of report/ratio in the world there are at least 170 million patients reached of l' viral hepatitis, with envisaged 315.000 new cases occur every year. While waiting, in Indonesia recorded seven million people with l' found hepatitis. Of this quantity percentage of the people with l' chronic hepatitis by 16-77 percent, cirrhosis of the liver by 22-78 percent, and carcinome of the liver (primary education cancer of liver) 29-69 percent.

Excel mentioned qu' as much d' as a 1-4 percent of all the number of patients the cirrhosis of the cancer of liver will develop each year. A small portion of their disease develops qu' so much quickly; require transplantation d' action. Without counting that l' impact on mortality for patients presenting the cancer of liver, the growing number of patients presenting l' hepatitis will carry out the patient' ; decline of S in the productivity of work, that the means it will also have an impact on economic losses.

Experts as regards matter d' research; hepatitis of the United States mention that the economic losses caused by the virus d' hepatitis reached 600 million dollars d' The United States annually

Friday, January 8, 2010

Sleeping too late can cause liver cancer

However doctors at the national Taiwan hospital has recently the world frightens medicine since the discovery of a case of a young doctor 37 years years, was from the liver function tests (, GPT RECEIVE) them was very safe shortly before the new moon year, to the daily to know 10 cm broad positive liver cancer! Up to now nearly everyone hangs of the achievement index starting from liver function tests (index of the liver function). They think if the examination uncovered a normal index of the result: o.k. of misunderstandings of this kind by many physicians were accomplished completely specialist. One which for surprise, physicians should provide you a good knowledge of the public surely knowledge, which is not applicable. Prevention of liver cancer correctly done.

There is no other way exceptionally determines you and festiveness as soon as possible, therefore the doctor said Hsu chin Chuan. But paradoxically, it seems the fact that physicians cancer treat liver can badly and even misleading also looks the prominent cause from the society is from liver cancer is with difficulty to heal you. We have a patient of the doctor Hsu us weighted during A last month, frequently Abdominal pain and weight loss much. After the investigation supersound liver cancer found further is very highly (the liver) outside used up, nearly 80% of the liver. The patient was surprised: " How possible is this? Last year the new behavior of the medical examinations and normal results. How, is it possible in one year liver cancer relatively briefly does grow? " The examination, which one failed, in order to do, was liver function. Results report also shown " normal". Examination of the liver giving you one of the heart examinations admits, which are recognized by the community. But this is misunderstood also at most of our society (Taiwan). Generally people assume, if the results index of the control a work assign liver represented that a normal number means that there is no problem with the heart. But this opinion leads to the appearance of sad stories, because the loss of the possibility of the early recognition of cancer since at that time.

Hsu said the doctor, a RECEIVING and GPT is found an enzyme, that most in the liver cells. If an inflammation of the liver or because and other reasons that the liver cells die, become RECEIVING and the GPT out held. This guaranteed that contents of RECEIVING and of the GPT in the blood increases. But an increase of PRESERVATIONS and GPT rate is not the case of hardening the liver or the absence cancer heart. For many people with liver inflammation, although threshold of the liver had, you, but in the liver (the liver), fibers and hardening of the liver was in an educated manner stopped. With the arrangement of hardening the liver, it is for liver cancer arises simply. Additionally the initial stages of liver cancer, liver register not increase. Because growth surrounding cells damaged by cancer, only the attack zuzeiten thus and die. Because this injury is a straight small the level of RECEIVING and GPT in May always within the normal delimitations, said that it did not do largely. But because many people do not understand result here in this dark history.

The main causes of the liver damage are:
1. Sleep late and is awake the day was the cause of most on core.
2. No water in the morning.
3. Meal too much.
4. Meal not the breakfast.
5. Excessive use of the drugs.
6. Drinks too much preservative, additives, substances Farbtöene, artificial Süßstoffe.
7. Cooking oil is not healthy. Whenever possible, you reduce the use cooking oil, if it roasts food, it is that evenly applicable using the best cooking oils likes you olive oil. Let us do use you roasted food, if we are in a condition of the fatigue, exceptionally into correct physical condition.
8. Meal of the raw food (very ripe), load heart. The vegetable is eaten raw, or cooked, you cook for 3 to 5 parts. Vegetable Fischrogen to eat to immediately and not stored. We do not take additional costs to precautions. Stop lifestyle and eating habits. Treatment attitudes food and condition of the time, those for our body know are required absorption and removal of the substances like do not use the calendar.

A: Night from 9 to 11: the removal of the substances not useful/toxic substance (De-Giftstoff) in the anti-body system (lymph node). During this mark must be invested in a peace or hearing music. If at present a housewife is not still in a condition of at the plant like washing plates or watching out children learn you, these can a negative effect on health be. 11 nights - in the morning 1: During the process of the poison material in the liver, you take place under conditions of the Schlafes. Early morning 1 to 3: the process of the poison material in Galle, we also in a dream condition. Early morning 3 to 5: the poison materials in the lungs. This becomes ideal for the people, which suffer from coughs, coughs during this period. Because the purification process (dismantling of the poison materials) reached the respiratory system, it did not drink cough medicine approximately not behind the process of waste water. Tomorrow 5 -7: the poison material in the colon, is small the water in the area. in the morning the years 7 to 9: if the absorption of the nutrients of the food should have breakfast into the small intestine.

Thus a patient in the morning eats  before 6:30. Before the 7:30 breakfast very well for people too healthy remain. For those, those not breakfast eat change you this habit, do not improve you late breakfast 9,-10 ate not at all. Late sleep and rising days did not affect the process the removal of the substances is not useful. In addition of midnight to 4 hours is if back Mark to product blood. For this reason you sleep well and do you to stay.