The shown body of basic differences of the men and the women against the cancer risk of liver, and the lies of cause in the genetic material based on the kind, concluded a study undertaken with the experts as regards chnology (MIT), the United States (the United States). C' is the first study describing the genome of the bond between the kind and the bodies not-cancer and reproducers, indicated Arlin Rogers, pathologists and President d' research team of MIT. According to the research published in the " of scientific newspaper; Research" cancer; ; that, cancer of potentially male liver twice larger than of the women in the United States. In d' other countries, particularly l' Asia, this figure potential could be higher, IE 8 to 10 times larger.
The cancer of liver is the most common type of cancer in the world' ; S number 5, and causes of the death lined up 3rd the larger. The number of cancer of lower liver in the United States in d' other countries, but exposures of tendency qu' a dramatic increase in l' infection of l' hepatitis C by the blood transfusion continue to go up since the Seventies, and certainly l' drug misuse. Another factor which starts rates of cancer of liver is the problem of l' obesity and of the diabetes, which continues to be the government' ; attention of S. Rogers explained why the hearts of the men and the women have a rather apparent difference.
The difference was very obvious during the period of puberty, IE when the liver is more d' men exposed to l' growth hormone. This causes men of liver then and the women react differently to antibiotics and similar drugs. In its research, the scientists of MIT studied the mice which also had more raised tendency of cancer of liver in the male kind than the women. Mice were then injected with l' bacterial hepatitis - l' hepatitis which produces symptoms similar to the character of l' hepatitis B and C at l' man. Both at l' man and mouse, men and women who can show a healthy reaction to acute toxicity and d' other pressures. But l' male body of liver n' was not complete like woman' ; the heart of S to treat l' chronic ignition this results from certain substances d' infection. When male rats against l' chronic hepatitis, some male genes in the increased liver work, another activity of gene is stopped. At the same time, some reactivated female genes. Because of this, the researchers noted that the gene profile and then became not very clear, the " of limit; confusion-heart" of kind;. " ; It n' there no reason or model has. Was just confused between genes only of masculine with female genes, " ; Rogers known as. According to always the results of the expert studies, the gene by the sex was reacted differently to l' infection d' ignition.
Male genes once confronted with l' chronic hepatitis in the reaction of overloaded part, whereas d' others miss load, thus in the liver cannot maintain the function metabolic normal during cancer appears. While waiting, the adult women is potential relatively lower for the cancer of liver, because the genes in the liver n' did not feel the need for shifting with male genes to treat cancer, according to Rogers. The d' evaluations; WHO there are more than 180 million people in the whole world were reached of l' hepatitis C, and more than 400 million people live with l' hepatitis B. Even some experts as regards health say the virus d' hepatitis 100 times more easily transmitted than HIV.
More fears these diseases is the potential development of this disease in the cancer or the cirrhosis of liver which can finish in l' failure and the death of liver. So traced based on the number of patient mortality, cirrhosis occupies the seventh position like chronic disease mortal. Consequently, this vigilance of the disease will be important, since the transmission n' is not sometimes realized by the patient.
D' elsewhere, the diffusion of the viral factors in Indonesia develops very fast, one of which is influenced by l' public ignorance of the presence or l' absence of the diidap d' viral hepatitis it. In fact, 25 percent of victims which do not know this suffer potentially from the cirrhosis after 15-20 years of period when the virus placed in their bodies. According to the President of l' excellence indonésienne Budihusodo of research d' association of heart, some models of diffusion d' viral hepatitis occurred among them by the perforation d' switches, l' opiate equipment, risked reports/ratios, tattooings, and blood transfusions. " ; In l' year 2000 is the transmission mentioned by the mengontribusi of putaw d' injection 80 percent of the development of l' infection d' hepatitis, even the model very quickly, " ; superior known as. Weekly mention d' WHO 2000 of bulletin of report/ratio in the world there are at least 170 million patients reached of l' viral hepatitis, with envisaged 315.000 new cases occur every year. While waiting, in Indonesia recorded seven million people with l' found hepatitis. Of this quantity percentage of the people with l' chronic hepatitis by 16-77 percent, cirrhosis of the liver by 22-78 percent, and carcinome of the liver (primary education cancer of liver) 29-69 percent.
Excel mentioned qu' as much d' as a 1-4 percent of all the number of patients the cirrhosis of the cancer of liver will develop each year. A small portion of their disease develops qu' so much quickly; require transplantation d' action. Without counting that l' impact on mortality for patients presenting the cancer of liver, the growing number of patients presenting l' hepatitis will carry out the patient' ; decline of S in the productivity of work, that the means it will also have an impact on economic losses.
Experts as regards matter d' research; hepatitis of the United States mention that the economic losses caused by the virus d' hepatitis reached 600 million dollars d' The United States annually
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